We are changing our name
Written by SHARKCAGE. Posted in NEWS.
As the proud producer of the SHARKCAGE for decades, we have decided to change our name from Mobile Shelter Systems Inc. (MSS) to SHARKCAGE Inc. The goal of the name change is to align our corporate and product brand identities.
The company started back in 1998 under the name Mobile Shelter Systems USA Inc. Over the years, we have created a lot of great storage products. In 2013 we trademarked the term “SHARKCAGE” as our core product offering and since then we have been commonly known as the “SharkCage guys”. Now we have finally taken the hint, and changed the business name to SHARKCAGE Inc.
Along with the name change, we are adopting a new corporate identity, including a new logo and new visual identity. A new website can be found at www.sharkcage.com. The changes are effective immediately, and all future business activity will be undertaken with the new name.
While our company name is changing, all core elements of the organization will remain the same. Under the SHARKCAGE name, we will continue to help our customers and partners solve their logistic challenges.
SHARKCAGE. Always Ready.