Deployable Supply Support Activity (SSA)

The SSA Warehouse is the hub for incoming and outgoing material for a military organization. The SSA is responsible for receiving, turn-in, stock control and distribution of different classes of material.
Receiving. The SSA serves as the central receiving activity for an organization. When a unit orders supplies and material, these are received by the SSA and then consolidated for distribution.
Turn-in. The SSA is responsible for consolidated turn-in of items that are Non-Mission Capable or have reached the end of their life cycle. The SSA is also responsible for receiving excess or outdated material, and reinserting those items into the Army supply system.
Stock Control. The SSA is authorized to maintain contingency supplies for forecasted or recurring supply requirements. This contingency supply is referred to as the Authorized Supply List (ASL). The ASL can include smaller items, such as repair parts for maintenance, or large items on pallets, as well as tires and other material with specific storage regulations.
Distribution. In the distribution area supplies are typically stored by DoDAAC for distribution to the SSA’s customers. For this function it is important that the content of each DoDAAC position is only accessible to the right customer.
By outfitting an SSA warehouse with SHARKCAGEs, you have a flexible, secure and mobile SSA warehouse solution. With lockable compartments in the cages, valuable items are easily stored and secured by DoDAAC in the distribution area untilincoming material is picked up. Internal fork lift pockets in the cages allows you to rearrange warehouse layout in minutes using only a fork lift.
Even though the SHARKCAGE works well in the SSA warehouse during dailiy operation, the biggest benefit comes when it is time to deploy. The SHARKCAGE enables seamless transition through storage, transport, operation and retrograde. Operate your SSA warehouse during deployment as you did at home, without changing the SOP. Train like you fight, fight like you train.
Contact the SHARKCAGE team here if you want to learn more about SHARKCAGE deployable solutions for Supply Support Activities.